Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Don't Let the World Harden You

The other day I was starting to feel really down and not as happy as I usually am and I didn't know what to do or how to act. I was starting to feel trapped in my own body. However, thanks to my run, I came to the conclusion that I was letting the world get to me and letting it influence me negatively. Going running serves as a great place for provoking thoughts and brainstorming for me. This particular run helped to remind me how beautiful this world is and how much beauty each of us has to give. It is very easy for all of us to be our best/worst critic. We know all of our downfalls better than anyone else. We must, however, not focus on those downfalls in a negative manner we must build on them and learn from them -- incorporate them into the landscape, so to speak. We must stand resistant to the sad ways of the world; instead we should embrace the beauty which it contains and help to showcase it. I beg you to believe in the beauty of your dreams, believe in the beauty of yourself and all that you have to share with the world.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

You Can't Force Passion

The other day while helping out at my Dad's veterinary clinic I had a client ask me if I was going to be a veterinarian too. I responded by saying something along the lines of, "No I don't plan on it, you have to have a passion for it and you can't force passion." The words just came out of my mouth. I had never established that thought before in my mind but it made me realize how true my statement was. You can't force passion. Everyone has their own special passions.
Sometimes I catch myself being jealous of others passions and wishing that I have the same talents and passions as them. A classic case of the "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome.
For me my passions are works in progress and I have to accept that and be ok with it. I'm still figuring out what I am truly passionate about and I will figure it out with time and faith in God's plan for me.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Achey Breaky Heart

A recent thought gone wild:
The aches of our hearts are so unable to be described yet they are there. The deep aches have been formed and rooted from time. These aches have roots that are layers of complexity that take time to form and even longer to uproot and set our hearts free. We yearn for love and we try to satisfy that yearning in a lot of different ways - a lot of which result in a loss of love and deeper entrapment, not freedom we are searching for.  To be free we must be in love with the Lord. Setting our hearts free means peeling back, untangling and pulling away from all of the entrapments we have placed within and on our delicately beautiful hearts. Through Jesus' help we must set forth on a journey of breaking down to be rebuilt in a new greater love. Like all good things our blood, sweat and tears must go into this process. We must persevere in our efforts having faith that the Lord is by our side lifting the entrapments with us. Holding onto the hope of what is to come must be our constant fuel. Through devoutly loving our God, ourselves and our neighbors we will be successful.