Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Musings: We All Fall Down

Hello there!
This post is dedicated to new beginnings.

Lately I have been pondering how throughout life I have fallen over and over again and have had to muster the strength to stand back up and start again. This has ranged from legitimately falling during the cross country season and having to humbly heal my ankle and restart running to falling out of routine in daily life and having to get back on track of striving to be the best I can be. Yesterday at mass I was in the midst of pondering this and I looked up and I was sitting right next to the Ninth Station of the Cross, Jesus Falls the Third Time. It hit me like a ton of bricks: no matter what, Jesus is right there with us and has felt everything we have. He fell too. He fell three times with a heavy cross on top of him and crowds jeering at him and yet he still got back up and showed the word his immense love. I realized I have to do the same. I will continue to stumble through life but every time I fall I must get back up and love the world around me with a more passionate love.

Also, I'm a newbie to the iPhone world but my brother's girlfriend, Beth, opened my eyes to the Laudate app (Let's just say I think it's great) and this is the excerpt from its reflection on the Ninth Station:

"Consider the third fall of Jesus Christ. His weakness was extreme, and the cruelty of His executioners excessive, who tried to hasten His steps when He had scarcely strength to move. Ah, my outraged Jesus, by the merits of the weakness Thou didst suffer in going to Calvary, give me strength sufficient to conquer all human respect and all my wicked passions, which have led me to despise Thy friendship. I love Thee, Jesus, my love, with my whole heart; I repent of having offended Thee. Never permit me to offend Thee again. Grant that I may love Thee always; and then do with me what Thou wilt." 
Wow. Let's begin again and take the world over with our optimism.

picture via  Claire Bach taken near Hallstatt, Austria