Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Old Kentucky Home

This time coming home from school I have been noticing all the little things that make home so special and why I truly love coming home so very much. So, i figured i should document the various things that stood out to me with in the first 24 hours of being home. 

The first thing I noticed is, the excitement and happiness that overcomes me every time I spy a Kentucky license plate on another car never cease to amaze me. No matter where I am seeing one of them makes me super happy. So, as you can imagine, when I come home from school  (where I mainly see Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania license plates) the excitement once we cross into Kentucky and I realize everywhere I look I can see a little blue and white piece of metal that says Kentucky on it is overwhelming. Who knew that such a simple thing could bring anyone such joy? I guess I am a little strange but, it's more than just the object that brings me joy -- it's the implications that go with it. It's knowing that whoever is in that car knows what it's like to be a Kentuckian. It's the pride that comes along with being from such a great state. It's the knowing that because I see the plates I am so close to being home and surrounded by my family, etc. etc. We're all a part of the United States of America but, we each have our state that we live. The place we grew up. The places we've been that help to define who we are. The simple license plate screams to the world a small piece of information that could help to explain a lot about a person. I just really enjoy it. Maybe I have over thought it and taken it too far but I don't care.  I will relish the luxury of being surrounded by my fellow Kentuckians for now.

Another sight that brings immense joy to my heart is the sight of my street sign. When I drive around the bend and the sign comes into view my heart becomes giddy. I have lived on  this road my entire life and it holds such history and memories that I can't help but smile from ear to ear when I approach it and get to drive down it.

Being home is such a good feeling. I also truly enjoyed being out of the cafeteria for a couple reasons. One, home cooked food is just the best. Two, getting to pray before dinner with my family and say our litany of prayers is something I miss. Three, knowing my dishes are clean and not having to smell the nasty dishwasher room. Four, the quiet.

I also thoroughly enjoyed being able to watch the University of Kentucky basketball game in the comfort of our living room. Home is not home without the wildcats making their presence in one way or another. It's simply the way it is in my family and I am totally fine with that. I enjoy the obsession and devotion.

These are the simple things that first stuck out to me other than basking in the presence of my family, getting to shower in my own bathroom, and sleep in my own bed! I can't wait to experience more of the joys of home throughout this week!

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