Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Next Step

I need to live my life more conscientiously. 
Last night I said that in the midst of laughter and goofiness with my dear roommates as we were unwinding from a day full of celebrating one of my roommates 21st birthday. It was too deep of a statement for that moment but now here I am still pondering it. It's true. Once in awhile it's so beneficial to take a step back and attempt to look at yourself and your life from an aerial view. Sometimes it makes us see things about our habits and tendencies that we don't want to acknowledge but hard facts are hard facts. Lately I've been living lackadaisically. (Yes, I did just use that word) That may not be the perfect description of how I've been living but it's a start. I've been going through the motions jumping from one thing to the next getting things done because I know it's the right thing to do. Rather because it's what I have to do to get one step closer to that day in May where I wear a cap and gown. 

What a miserable way to live. Time to start being present to everyone I encounter and doing my work consciously. I need to especially start with spending more time in the Lord's presence. I also want to start journaling more again. While I was studying abroad in Austria I made myself write in my journal every single day and then when I got home to the states I just quit doing it. I think it was an excellent way to review each day and it's also super fun to look back and read.  
I am living my life conscientiously. 

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